Friday, June 12, 2009

Fuming Friday

I've decided that Fridays are going to be short rants about boyfriends/dates/guys that leave you fuming for a bit. Because the dating world is not really all laughs, there have been things that really made me mad. Feel free to share yours; I don't think I have enough for every Friday. But here's my first sound off:

"Undeserving Enchiladas"

I make really good enchiladas. My recipe is based on what my sister makes, but I'm thinking these enchiladas are for the ladies only.

In her first 6 months of marriage, my sister's husband had the audacity to complain that they were having enchiladas again for dinner. They both work, yet she was the primary dinner-preparer and he complained about what he was served. I was livid hearing the story and said I would never put up with that. And then, I asked for her simple, tasty recipe.

Flash forward about 4 years and I am making dinner for my boyfriend. This is the first time I've really cooked for him; pie and cookies don't quite count. I'm making my enchiladas; they are not too difficult, they are delicious, one of my best dishes and I thought he'd like them.

First, he shows up over an hour late. Hello! When a lady is making you dinner, you come on time. Or...if you are late, you come bearing flowers to apologize for the bus/train/stupidity- whatever!

To be fair, he did bring beer because I said that would be great if he brought beer or wine. He brings Coors Light. This is my absolute least favorite light beer. And, I usually only drink Bud Light out at a bar because a)we have been drinking other things all night and this is my end drink or b)we are drinking lots of beer for the night and pitchers are cheap/mugs are $1 etc. So...he's at strike two being late and bringing yucky beer.

To be fair, he complimented the meal, but goes "I didn't realize you were cooking these. I thought it would be something like out of a box." That was the last straw, strike three. I was not in the mood to share my favorite dinner with him anymore.

So now I make enchiladas just for me and sometimes bring in the leftovers for my coworker because she loves and appreciates them.

*One final note: There is a fantastic book called I Loved, I Lost, I Made Spaghetti about a woman cooking for boyfriends and cooking when she is single. I highly recommend it.


  1. Ha! What a jerk. He didn't deserve your enchiladas. Or anything else for that matter :)

  2. OMG totally remember the enchiladas story. It's disturbing! ;) Almost as distubring as when Fast eddie was in charge of date night and he picked chipolte. Or when E.B.I.T.D.A. invited me out for drinks and then ignored me when my hot gfs and i arrived at the bar. but he was way uglier w/o EBITA hat that was probably a good thing!

  3. Out of a box?!?!

    BTW, D.A.R. recommended we check you out - love the blog :)

  4. Yep, I would have been FED UP too!

    D.A.R sent me in your direction. :-) Great blog!

  5. If you make a guy dinner he should ALWAYS bring flowers - especially if it's the first time! No flowers = minus 5 points in my book
